Fieldproxy Documentation
Account Members

Field Team Management

Create team of field users, who can work on specific process for the organization.

Create team:

By Creating team within Fieldproxy, One can assign the team for specific process. Sales Team can handle the sales activies and service team can handle the service activies.
To create team , do the follow the following steps:
Click on “Add Team” button on the right corner of the screen.
Enter the team name on the popup that appears,
Click on “+Add to confirm the team creation.

Untitled 6.png

Update & Delete team:

Click on the “Edit” Icon to edit the team information.
Click on the “Delete” Icon to delete the team information.

Assign users to team:

To assign users to team, do the following:
Select the team from the teams list. This will take you to the team screen.
Click on the “+Add User” in the team screen.
Click on the User from the users list
Click on Proceed.
This will add users to your team

Remove users from team:

In order to remove users from the team, do the following:
Select the users whom you would like to remove.
Click on the remove button at the end of the screen.
On confirming the removal, You can succesfully remove the users from the team.

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