Fieldproxy Documentation
Account Members

Field Users Management

Read through the document in order to create and manage your field users.
Field users are the on-site personnel who visit customers and ensure your processes are followed in the field


Fieldproxy allows you to add users to the application in two ways: through a user-friendly form or by uploading a CSV file.

Add Users via Form

Navigate to Users section.
Click on “Add Users”.
Provide the following details:
User Name: Enter the user's name.
User ID: Assign a unique id for the user.
Password: Set a secure password for user authentication.
Phone Number: Enter the user's contact number.
Email Id: Enter the email id for your user.
Team Assignment: Choose the team to which the user belongs.
Click on “Add”.
This adds user to your application succesfully.


Import users

Import field users into the application.
Click on “Import” button.
Click on “Download Sample”. This gives you the columns and sample data to get started.
Enter your user details.
Mobile number,
Email id,
Team id ( You can fetch the team id from the teams section)
Click on “Upload” button.
Once the data has started uploads, you can see the status of the upload in the logs section, Settings > Logs.


Edit Users

Edit User information
Edit the user information, in fieldproxy you can modify the following details.
Email Id
Phone number

Modify User Status

Each user in the application has the following status,
Inactive User: When a new user is added to the application, they remain inactive until they first log in to the mobile app. This ensures only authorized users can access the system.
Active User: Once a user successfully logs in for the first time, their status changes to active. This allows them to use all the features of FieldProxy.
Deactivate User: If you need to restrict a user's access to FieldProxy without deleting their data, you can deactivate them. This prevents them from logging in but preserves their information within the system.

You can filter the user list by status before exporting. Click the filter icon and select the desired status(es)

Delete User

Click on the delete icon on the user list, to delete the user from the account.
Click on Delete
, to delete a user from your account
To delete multiple user, multi select the users, then you can delete multiple users.

Exporting Users

To download a list of users from FieldProxy, click the "Export" button.
FieldProxy will then download the user data in either XLSX (Excel) or CSV format.

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